Wednesday, 8 June 2011

EXP3 Final Development

Final Development Models in Crysis Environment

Crysis Wars Virtual Walkthrough

Links to Google SketchUp Models

In the 3D Warehouse, search:
1. Hyun-Min Park ARCH1101 EXP3, 2011 
(components associated with bridge, elevators and offices)

2. Hyun-Min Park ARCH1101 EXP 3 table, 2011
(components associated with table)

Links to Crysis Wars Environment

NOTE: The final Crysis Wars Environment el is named 'z3376811b_levels_v04.cry' 

NOTE: The files only open when unzipped into program files/electronic arts/crytek/game/levels or objects depending on which zip file is being downloaded.

Flow graph commands

P: Lady Gaga office elevator down
N: Lady Gaga office elevator up

J: Lady Gaga main elevator down
K: Lady Gaga main elevator up

B: Jonathan Ive office elevator down
C: Jonathan Ive office elevator up

Q: Jonathan Ive main elevator down
R: Jonathan Ive main elevator up

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Monday, 16 May 2011

EXP3 Week02: Elevator

18 Two Point Perspective Drawings


Ground Level

Top Level

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

EXP3 Week01: Preliminary Sketches and Modelling

18 One Point Perspective Drawings

Landscape Development

Grand Canyon, USA

Crysis Wars Environment

Client MashUp: Power
Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga and Jonathan Ive

Oprah Winfrey, the queen of daytime televesion;¹ Lady Gaga, a digital phenomenon;² and Jonathan Ive, Apple’s second highest profile employee after Jobs;³ are just some of the ways to describe these three incredibly influential personalities in the international context. Oprah Winfrey, the host of the iconic daytime television talkshow, the Oprah Winfrey Show; and the first black woman to appear on Forbe’s billionaire list, is the ultimate multimedia icon.¹ Similarly, Lady Gaga has become a new model for success in the space of year, with her impact on music culture, which has been seismic.² Finally, for the hardware industry’s phenomenon that has swept the modern technological world, Apple; Jonathan Ive is the Apple employee most closely identified with the personality and success of its products,³ next to the founder himself, Steve Jobs. With their current high positions of absolute power and influence in their respective fields of work, everybody is waiting to watch Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga and Jonathan Ive’s next move which will unquestionably become the next worldwide phenomenon. 

1. Sara Krulwich, “Oprah Winfrey,” New York Times, January 3, 2011, accessed May 4, 2011,

2. John Jurgensen, “The Lessons of Lady Gaga,” Wall Street Journal, January 29, 2010, accessed May 4, 2011,

3. Jemima Kiss, “Apple’s Worst Nightmare: Is Jonathan Ive to leave?” Guardian, February 28, 2011, accessed May 4, 2011,

Thursday, 28 April 2011

EXP2 Week03: Final Development

36 Custom Textures (light to dark)

Textures Selected for Inclusion in Final Model

Light Texture

Medium Texture
Dark Texture

Final 3D Development Model in Crysis Wars

The textures are made up of a repeated use of simple geometric shapes, complementing the model’s representation of order and organisation.

The idea of a ‘space within a space’ represents Freud’s theory of the human mind’s organisation of thoughts and internal operations. Geometric relationships are explored through the amalgamation of multiple rectangles.

The internal spaces of the model, that are constructed by interlocking rectangular prisms, imitate the complexity of the human mind.

Link to Google SketchUp Model:

In the 3D Warehouse, search,
Hyun-Min Park ARCH1101 EXP2, 2011

Link to Crysis Wars Environment:

NOTE: The Crysis Wars Environment with the final SketchUp model is named 'z3376811a_levels_v03.cry'; the files only open when unzipped into program files/electronic arts/crytek/game/levels and please excuse the technical errors that occur with the walkthrough.

Start here.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

EXP2 Week02: Electroliquid Aggregation

3 Amalgamations of Previously Developed Models

Clients: Maria Agnesi and Sigmund Freud
Related Hypotheses: Agnesi was talented in exploring different geometries. She was inspired to do this through her passion of mathematics, and Freud developed the theory of human mind's organisation and internal operations. This design was chosen to be developed in SketchUp and imported into the Crysis Wars environment.

Clients: Sir Isaac Newton and Maria Agnesi
Related Hypotheses: Newton enjoyed collecting his sparks and developed them by connecting with complex academic problems, and Maria Agnesi presented complex circumstances in a simple way.

Clients: Sir Isaac Newton and Sigmund Freud
Related Hypotheses: Sir Isaac Newton wanted to design a parallel universe, and Sigmund Freud struggled with cancer causing contemplation in suicide.

3D Development of Model in Crysis Wars

Sunday, 3 April 2011

EXP2 Week01: Land

6 Amalgamations of Rectangular Prisms

Hypothesis #1 (Left): Sir Isaac Newton wanted to design a parallel universe. This design was chosen to be developed in SketchUp and imported into the Crysis Wars environment.
Hypothesis #2 (Right): Newton enjoyed collecting his sparks and developed them by connecting with complex academic problems.  

Hypothesis #3 (Left): Sigmund Freud struggled with cancer causing contemplation in suicide.
Hypothesis #4 (Right): Freud developed the theory of human mind's organisation and internal operations.  

Hypothesis #5 (Left): Maria Agnesi presented complex circumstances in a simple way.
Hypothesis #6 (Right): Agnesi was talented in exploring different geometries. She was inspired to do this through her passion of mathematics.

3D Development Model in Crysis Wars

Saturday, 26 March 2011

SketchUp: Week04 Final Development

Section Selected for Final 3D Development

Above ground material: Slick
Between material: Malleable
Below ground material: Solid

Staircase Sections Showing How They Integrate with the Surrounding Architecture

Staircase01: Going up
Staircase02: Going down

Final 3D Development Model

External View

Vertical Cross Section From Two Different Perspectives
Horizontal Cross Section Showing Above and Below Ground Plans

SketchUp Animations

Please read comment.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

SketchUp: Week03 Text

36 Material Designs

Materials Selected for Inclusion in 3D Model

Above ground: Slick
Between: Malleable
Below ground: Solid

3D Development Model

This image shows the two artworks, created by Mueck and Banksy, that inspired the design scheme for this architectural space. This snapshot shows the spatial relationship between the artwork and the space it is displayed in.

3D Development Model with Original Materials

This image shows how the above ground material has been used as a wallpaper around the upper floor.

This image shows how the between material has been used as floor textiles on the middle floor.

This image shows how the below ground material has been used as floor textiles on the below ground floor.

A Short Film About Isolation Represented Through Architecture

ARCH1101 EXP1 2011
Credit to PowersWisdom, Youtube.